Saturday, October 19, 2013

La Poupée est arrivé.

The latest addition  to our Blythe Family arrived at 3:51 pm on October 16, 2013. Weighing in at less than a pound, she is the epitome of  La Poupée with painted red lips, matte face and fancy French Dress. We're working on her French Trench Flickr Portfolio by Studio Melenka and it's progressing quite nicely. This doll is going to have a lot of stories to tell as she will be coming to Paris in the Springtime with us. Stay tuned.

Blythe Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

"{Not} Simply Guava" Takes a Fall

"{Not} Simply Guava" Takes a Fall

The girls and I recently discovered an imposter amongst us; Simply Guava was simply not herself - her head said one thing (2006) while her body said another (2002). Devastation hit us hard. I had my doubts from the moment Simply Guava arrived but didn't want to believe that I had been duped. Limp hanging hair, hastily sewn clothes and sloppily painted running shoes hinted at her inferior quality.

After months of denial, I consulted  Dr. Blythenstein's Scalp Line Comparison and it seemed to be okay. The scalp colours matched! Kinda. A huge sigh of relief exhaled. Almost.

Her body parts were the same colour! Another small victory!

Feeling reassured, I went further and double checked the back screw (see Dr, Blythenstein's Back Screw Comparison ) and that familiar feeling of dread began to creep back in. I think I had purchased a TBL Blythe (aka Taobao Blythe aka FAKE BLYTHE) and not an RBL (aka Real Blythe).

Her pink eye chips were awkward and they photographed poorly.

Dr, Blythenstein's Ear Comparison was the penultimate nail in the Blythe coffin. "{Not} Simply Guava" had failed this as well. The space measured the FAKE TBL 5 mm and not the authentic RBL 2 mm. Then I thought "Maybe this Dr. Blythenstein isn't always right". I grudgingly went back to My eBay to check my buying history and the feedback for the person who sold me "{Not} Simply Guava".

The coffin could now be nailed shut : all negative feedback for the seller screamed "SELLS FAKE BLYTHES!".  Great - to this day, I will never know how that got past this savvy ebay shopper and museum professional!

We still haven't decided the fate of  "{Not}Simply Guava".  We may feed her to the pug.