Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blythe Get-Togetha #YYC

Blythe Babes

Last night I went to my first Blythe Get Together at my girlfriend V's knitting lounge in Inglewood.  If you're ever in Calgary and love vintage and knitting and all things awesome, it's a super cool place to be. Plus, V  does more than just sell wool - V holds fantastic parties and last night was no exception. We drank champagne, ate Blythe-sized cupcakes and caramel macaroons. We even made little leather satchels for the girls! 

V and Bo modelling the leather satchel
V asked me if I would attend if she had a Blythe Get-Togetha and I immediately responded with a resounding "YEAH!". A chance to share my love of Blythe would be great! There would be others who would understand me! Most of my friends think they're creepy. I counted down the days as date came closer and closer and then something strange happened. All of sudden doubt began to settle in - Did I really want to share something that was so personal with a group of strangers? These girls - especially Vintage Blythe had become more a part of me than I wanted to admit. A world that existed with no cruelty, no bitterness - it contained only what I gave it. What would happen if I let others into my private universe?

Are we defined by our dolls? Talking to a few others at the Get-Togetha, it seems that we might be. Or at least our alter egos are. These dolls are often everything that we are not. One guest even had matching Wonder Woman outfits for her and her Blythe! #covet

I left the Get-Togetha with mixed feelings.  For my grown-up R, it was great to see other Blythe-ettes but for my five year old R  (the age when I received my first Blythe) it felt like an epic fail play date. Maybe it was just the first time jitters! *SIGH*

Stay strong and keep Blythe-ing!

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