Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post Blythe Get-Togetha

The local newspaper recently ran an article on our Blythe Get-Togetha #YYC. You can read more about us here: http://www.calgaryherald.com/swerve/living/Blythe+Doll+collectors+Calgary/8419552/story.html

Gosh I wish Blythe and I had matching superhero costumes. Now who would I be? Catwoman Blythe? Nope. I feel like that's been done to death. Supergirl Blythe? Nope - too little girlish. Maybe it will have to  be someone entirely different. Like Frida Kahlo. Or Marie Antoinette.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Back to Her Creator

As many of you know, you can change Blythe's eyes with a simple pull on a cord located on the back of her head. With a simple tug, her eyes go from blue to green to pink to yellow (depending on which eye chips you have). Blythes can be customized to have what are known as 'Sleep Eyes' with a second cord - this is where the eyes stay closed allowing for your Blythe to catch a little shut-eye. Sonata has both custom eye chips and sleepy eyes making her doubly cool EXCEPT when the cord breaks! GACK! Scared to fix it myself, she is being sent back to her creator in Vermont.

It got me thinking how it would be nice when we break down if we could  ship ourselves off to Vermont (or Tahiti or Paris - your pick) and have someone make us better! Heck, her creator is even going to throw in a free outfit to make up for the trouble. Free clothes! Feeling better than before!  A trip to another place and time!


Makes me wanna be a Blythe.

If anyone is interested in doing their own work, there are some great tutorials at http://www.puchicollective.com/tutorials/

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Not Blythe!

I've been working on a play-slash-novel for the last 12 months and had been hoping to base the protagonist on one of my Blythe dolls but can't seem to make any progress. Then my Sixth Sense Italian Tangkou doll showed up and I put the hand knit aviator cap on her and it just might work! But it's not Blythe! The story isn't about a Blythe Doll per se but a young girl inadvertently left with the legacy of kingdom sustainability. Plus there are humming birds and other winged creatures.

Not Blythe, Charlie Russell and Chief Crowfoot

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blessing of the Graves

O and I drove up to Edmonton today for the annual Blessing of the Graves for Russian Orthodox Easter. It's where Orthodox Christians in Canada celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday - kinda. The Orthodox Christian date for Easter Sunday, also known as Pascha, is often at a later date than the Easter date observed by many western churches. This happens due to the fact that we follow the Julian calendar and not the Gregorian. Orthodox Easter tend to jump around a lot but Ukrainian Christmas stays put. I don't question it. I just show up - to both events!

Another tradition observed in Orthodox Christian churches is the blessing of food baskets.  The baskets are usually filled with bread, cheese, meat, eggs, butter, salt, and other types of food. The baskets along with flowers and candles are placed in front of the loved ones' graves and wait to be blessed by the Father of the Church. Once the food has been blessed and the ceremony complete, we hang out and have a bit of a tailgate party.

Whether you believe in God or not, it's a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon while paying respect to both family and traditional life ways.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blythe Get-Togetha #YYC

Blythe Babes

Last night I went to my first Blythe Get Together at my girlfriend V's knitting lounge in Inglewood. http://www.stashlounge.com/  If you're ever in Calgary and love vintage and knitting and all things awesome, it's a super cool place to be. Plus, V  does more than just sell wool - V holds fantastic parties and last night was no exception. We drank champagne, ate Blythe-sized cupcakes and caramel macaroons. We even made little leather satchels for the girls! 

V and Bo modelling the leather satchel
V asked me if I would attend if she had a Blythe Get-Togetha and I immediately responded with a resounding "YEAH!". A chance to share my love of Blythe would be great! There would be others who would understand me! Most of my friends think they're creepy. I counted down the days as date came closer and closer and then something strange happened. All of sudden doubt began to settle in - Did I really want to share something that was so personal with a group of strangers? These girls - especially Vintage Blythe had become more a part of me than I wanted to admit. A world that existed with no cruelty, no bitterness - it contained only what I gave it. What would happen if I let others into my private universe?

Are we defined by our dolls? Talking to a few others at the Get-Togetha, it seems that we might be. Or at least our alter egos are. These dolls are often everything that we are not. One guest even had matching Wonder Woman outfits for her and her Blythe! #covet

I left the Get-Togetha with mixed feelings.  For my grown-up R, it was great to see other Blythe-ettes but for my five year old R  (the age when I received my first Blythe) it felt like an epic fail play date. Maybe it was just the first time jitters! *SIGH*

Stay strong and keep Blythe-ing!