Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prescription - Blythe

Pinky(actual name to be determined)

So, another long week at work coupled with the knowledge of another frigid weekend (-25 degrees celsius), tightening budget (my husband was recently laid off to part-time) led to a rousing bout of depression that I remedied by spending non existent Blythe dollars.

In addition to four super cute smocks from Amanda Popples, a Steampunk outfit by Cindy Sowers, I also put a custom doll by Kira Gold on layaway - a factory Blythe with long pale pink hair. My hope is that she'll be somewhat Marie Antoinesque. She may also become the Protagonist in my upcoming cozy mystery (feedback?).

Will this weekend be better? Who knows? My co-worker recently said "To die with debt is to have profited in life", well I am in the profit margin!

Virtual Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe (and more)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bitty Blythes

We're playing with the Bitty Blythes tonight and pairing them up with antique postcards from Paris. This is the first one:

Hollywood Blythe 1

Hollywood Blythe 2

Virtual Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe (and more) 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

As the child of a single mother, there weren't many shows that I was allowed to watch. I wasn't even permitted to listen to John Denver's Thank God, I'm a Country Boy -  it took the Lord's name in vain. But even though I didn't spend hours glued in in front of our black and white Zenith it's amazing what imprinted on me.

Gabby arrived this evening and cuddled up with Kenner Blythe as the trip from London (Ontario) had been long and arduous and she just wanted to hang out with the girls. It's a Blythe Sleep Over! I took this photo -  but when I pulled it up for editing, it suddenly reminded me of something else...  Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman - a TV sitcom that ran from 1976-1978.

Cathy Shumway: You know, isn't it ironic - that if one of us had to get it, it's a miracle it was you.

Mary Hartman: I know, I must have been born under an unlucky star. You know I have filled out entry blanks for every single drawing in the supermarket for the last twelve years, and the only thing I ever won was a coupon for a small little jar of tomato paste. But they were out of tomato paste, and by the time they got more in, my coupon had expired. And now I have venereal disease.

Virtual Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe (and more)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Veronica's Birthday

Happy Birthday!

Today is my friend and fellow Blythe lover Veronica's birthday. French Trench whose weakness is teeny cupcakes offered up this photo shoot suggestion. Truth be told, she didn't come up with it on her own - we're setting up for some Valentine's Day photos! Veronica is also the owner of STASH  where we held a Blythe-tastic party in 2013!


Getting our Blythe on!

Blythe Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe (and more). 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Baker's Dozen?

Uh oh! I thought that I was satisfied with my Dozen Blythe but I succumbed to yet another in less than a month. I'm thinking of her as a Valentine's Day gift. She doesn't look to be very special at first glance but rumour has it that her stock eye chips are fantastic! I love her dark brown, wavy, shoulder length hair and her very rosy cheeks. Plus she's an animal lover to boot. I suppose there are some who think I should've donated the money to an animal rescue group instead but I didn't. Perhaps I'll leave my collection to auction when I die and then all monies raised will be used to save little black pugs who desperately need saving.

"Save the Animals Blythe aka Valentine" (picture courtesy of previous owner)

Virtual Hugs from A  Dozen Blythe (and more)