Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kenner is ready to travel!

Kenner just got a groovy Pan Am bag and is ready to travel -  back to 1972. Anyone else miss the good old days? At only five years old, I had Blythe by my side and my entire lyfe ahead of me. I never flew Pan Am but my mother and I went to Disneyland via Hughes Air West - the big yellow banana in the sky. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Comes nude, no original stock or box....

A popular way to sell a second hand Blythe doll is nude with no original stock or box. As a museum professional, this goes against everything that we value when obtaining a piece for the collection. For instance, a few of the questions we would ask:
  1. Is it in mint (or museum quality) condition? If not, why and is it significant to the history of the object? 
  2. Who is the original owner?
  3. Is it complete?
  4. etc....
You kind of get the gist. I appreciate that you gave your 6 Line Kenner doll a spiffy new bob but unless Dali or Mab Graves (and yes I clumped those two together) cut the hair, the doll is losing value as we speak. Oh, you say you changed out her torso and applied a whitener (often Mr. Clean Magic Eraser) to her face, my inner museum goddess cringes.

Make no mistake, I BlytheLove all my custom girls and have tried diligently to catalogue provenance, history and all associated ephemera but in the end if they take a great photo, it seems as if all of that doesn't matter.